Moments of Pride

Achieved 0% Infant Mortality rate

Neo natal Mortality rate and Maternity mortality rate in Village Health Centre programs after 8 years of continuous follow up of expectant mothers by our health workers.

This is the achievement of our TRDT and no other hospital in the state achieved this kind of result.

Conduct post operative review

We are the first one in India to conduct post operative review for the operated patients 6 months post their surgery.

We also helped the hospital by sharing the feedback given by the operated patients. Our trustee Mr.C.Selvadurai was the first one in India to bring out the follow up system. He was rightly named as “King of Patient Care” by our associate Mission For Vision in their website, since he showed care and compassion towards the patients and looked after about their well being.

Academic profession

One of our Scholar Mr.Srinivasan from economically backward community rose to the level of IT professional in his career with Infosys. He recently came back to his village with a passion for teaching and took academic profession and he was a professor at Dhanalakshmi Engineering College. 

He is now currently pursuing his doctorate in VIT Chennai.

Dual degree program at London

Another scholar by name Mr.K.Sriharish who hails from economically backward family, completed his graduation at Saveetha University in India for the first two years and was selected for dual degree program at London. 

We supported his travel and first year fees with the help of our donors. The boy completed his education at UK with flying colors and secured a job at private firm engaged in the field of manufacturing defence equipment using Robotic Technology.